Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday Ten Link Up

A friend of mine does a Tuesday Ten Link Up Party with Miss Mommy and I love it! I know my blog is a food blog, but I am going to start linking up with them! You will all get to know me a little better! Basically you write about ten things…anything you want: Food, Movies, Accomplishments, Randomness, etc. Today I am going to open up (just a little) and share ten random facts about ME!!!

Once you read my list, head on over to Miss Mommy and “like” it! I would love to get at least ONE like this week! So here you go…enjoy these little tidbits about me!

1. I am a fish! I love the water, and I would love to live at my cottage so I could wake up to the lake every day.
2. I hate the heat. I would rather be cold than hot - it is so much easier to warm up than cool down.
3. My favourite movie in the world is Dirty Dancing, but PS I Love You is a real close second!
4. Although I look very confident on the outside, I am self conscious of my body
5. I have the most amazing family and friends a girl can ask for :)
6. I religiously watch Battle of the Blades, Survivor, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice
7. I am the worst speller in the world! What can I say; Science is my strong point...not English!
8. Christmas is my favourite holiday! I love the decorations, spending time with family and all the yummy food :) This year is super exciting because we get to share it with Aiden!
9. I wish I went to school for accounting. I am proud of myself for what I have accomplished, but now that I have Aiden I would love to work from home (or at least closer to home).
10. I wish my relationship with my dad was better, but I can't complain because my mom and stepdad make up for it!

So there you have it! A few random things about me J